Fancy yourself as a film maker? then head over to NFTS for some amazing short courses.
Learn how to produce innovative and creative content for the web and digital multi-platforms for film, television and games.
- Delivered in partnership with Sky.
- Learn how to generate ideas that grow audiences around films, television programmes and games online.
- Students work across original online and social video production, 360 Video and VR, digital products, apps and game development, multiplatform TV production and social media including creating great content for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.
- Work on live briefs for content. This year the students have worked on VR brief for Sky, a awareness campaign for Comic Relief, an interactive factual video for BBC Taster, a digital arts brief for Tate Britain, an entertainment brief for Warner Brothers Television and a digital/physical storytelling product for a high profile kids publisher.
- Regular high level industry speakers.
- Work with students from other award-winning NFTS departments including TV Entertainment, Documentary and Games.
- Students will do placements at leading media companies like Sky, and work with top-flight industry mentors for their graduation projects.
- Attend NFTS masterclasses from world leading content makers who have included in the last 18 months directors Christopher Nolan, Danny Boyle and Steve McQueen
Creative Producing for Digital Platforms Diploma teaches you the skills to build amazing experiences that audiences love, around films and television programmes online. We want to get you pitching ideas for game-changing formats that will be a hit on both TV and YouTube, creating content for new platforms from Snapchat to Facebook Live and inventing new ways to play and experience the world through VR, augmented reality and apps.
The film and television industry – along with the wider creative industries and the independent arts sector - needs people who understand what makes good digital content, how people behave online, and who have interactive, transmedia and digital production skills in order to maximise the potential of films, television programmes and creative content across new platforms. As audiences turn into users, players and creators, film and tv production and games companies need people who can maximise their presence online. This means you'll not only be involved in the production of content, you'll also be designing new forms of media, and understanding how those forms fit their market and find their audience.
Students will be taught by leading industry tutors responsible for some of the UK’s most cutting edge channels including BBC Three, All4, Nowness and Vice; and multi-platform projects like Got to Dance, The Voice, X Factor, Humans, Utopia, Misfits, Big Brother and Embarrassing Bodies.
The course advisory board includes:
- Matt Locke - Storythings
- Rosie Allimonos - YouTube
- Martin Trickey - Head of Group Digital, Warner Bros TV Production
- Jody Smith – Head of Digital, youngest media
- Justin Gayner- Channel Flip
- Kat Hebden – Fremantle
- Jon Aird – Comic Relief
- Will Saunders - BBC Creative Director, Digital
The course will be full-time over twelve months (starting in January each year) and will be delivered at the NFTS in its historic studios with regular visits to London-based production companies, and some aspects of the curriculum delivered at Sky Studios. Students will create standalone digital projects and may also work alongside students from Documentary, Comedy, Animation, Producing and Television Entertainment to create digital content for more ‘traditional’ linear programmes.
Specifically you will learn about:
- Harnessing digital technologies to support Film and Television
- The industry and market for digital content
- Creative problem solving, developing and pitching ideas
- Audience behaviour across genres and technologies
- Social Media – content, sharing, visibility and discoverability
- Lightweight video production for online
- Making projects better through rapid prototyping and wireframes
- User Experience: human interaction, research, design and user testing
- Project Management and end-to-end digital project workflow
- Understanding Data and Metrics
Students graduate able to:
- Develop ideas and pitch projects to industry professionals
- Build and manage cross platform teams
- Produce and lead multi-platform production projects
- Understand how audience behaviour will make or break a project
- Embrace the fast changes that digital innovation causes in production
- Exploit the opportunities presented by digital media