Siksilk – The History

Words: Tom Kembery

Born in 2012, Siksilk was merely an exercise of “what if?”A creative individual walking through Manhattan strolls past a kid. That kid was one of thoseprepared to push the non conformist view of his chosen outfit that day. A combination of authenticity and vintage to create one look.What if

Nothing more than an idea was created from what wasseen in that split second. From thatidea a solitary garment was created.What next?Using the power of the World Wide Web a producer of clothing was encouraged to help take the idea to the next level. Reluctantly they agreed.Armed with a handful of garments married with the power of social media within a couple of months fifty people were openly discussing the designs amongst themselves.

Quickly those fifty became one hundred, and then five hundred and the growth continued.
Within a matter of weeks celebrities were begging for some of the items in return forblogging and photographs.The long journey had started. Within a year of that stroll through Manhattan Siksilk has become one of the most recognised, respected and successful brands in fashion. Those five hundred followers have now become tens of thousands. Working with target retailers from only March 2013we have become the fastest sellinglabel for all of our customers.
This doesn’t just stop with UK retailers as demand from global stores has seen incrediblegrowth throughout Europe. 2014 has seen the launch of the brand in Ireland,Australia, Netherlands, Benelux, France,USA, Japan, Hong Kong, China and individual customers now span the globe.
Shop the collection now and see what people are talking about.

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