Nuuna Notebook Collection By Tom Kembery
Words: Tom Kemebry
Made with premium papers, thread-stitched and bound using extraordinary materials in a variety of powerful colours and designs; these notebooks really stand out from the rest and provide a truly special place for keeping your thoughts. Not only a great gift if you’re starting a new job and fancy a notebook upgrade, these notebooks are also the perfect gift for stylish, hard to buy for friends and family - fill them with good (and bad!) ideas, sudden inspirations, thought fragments, moods and sketches.
The new nuuna collection includes fresh cover materials such as glow in the dark prints and metallic leather; which are all manufactured in Germany. Nuuna, already available in Selfridges, Topshop and Paperchase is also available to buy online from Features include temperature-sensitive screen printing which changes colour in the heat, recycled leather and special flex covers.
The luxury paper used is finest Munken Polar, a high-quality uncoated fine paper that is FSC accredited so you can jot down your thoughts with any type of pen, pencil, crayon or ink. Inner pages feature a mini dot grid and the Millimeter book has neon orange graph paper pages which allow you to be more creative in your note taking, design ideas and doodles. Thanks to the thread stitching, these striking notebooks will also lie flat on your desk as you endlessly write.
This is the end of boring notebooks!